September 25, 2009

Rock Out With Your (insert noun here) Out!

One of the 20 things that women love that men don’t understand is fashion. You can find the remaining 19 below.

So I dedicate this post to someone very special to me that doesn’t quite get my love for fashion but lets me ramble on and on about everything fashion and my collection of (Jimmy) Choos. So as a thank you, I am posting a Rock and Roll editorial which requires zero understanding and is just fun to look at.

But just so you amusing as this spread may be, it's completely stale. It feels more like children playing dress up slash an adult halloween party than high fashion. Don’t you agree?

Ugh, and don’t get me started on what the late musicians must be thinking up there...may they rest in peace.

Carolyn Murphy as Courtney Love, Jake Schroeder as Kurt Cobain and their daughter as Frances Bean Cobain

Cyrille Victor as Jimi Hendrix, Matt Duffie as Jim Morrison, and Karen Elson as Janis Joplin

Devon Aoki as Yoko Ono, Ben Northover as John Lennon

Fanni Bostrom as John Lennon, Audrey Marnay as Ringo Starr, Tasha Tilberg as Paul McCartney and Trish Goff as George Harrison

Hannelore Knuts as David Bowie and Diana Meszaros as Angela Bowie

Various models as The Rolling Stones

Sophie Dahl as Debbie Harry

Omahyra as Prince

Kiara Kabukuru as P. Diddy

Karolina Kurkova as Marilyn Manson

20 Things Woman Love That Men Don’t Understand
1. Fashion
2. Drunk online shopping
3. Dark nail polish
4. Reality TV dating shows
5. Constantly changing one’s facebook status
6. Gossiping about real life people we know, don’t know or only know through magazines, TV and movies
7. Cooing over adorable pictures of baby animals
8. Sexless cotton brief underwear
9. The Swiffer Wet-Jet
10. The music of Beyonce, Madonna and Miley Cyrus
11. Rent, the musical
12. Chuck Bass
13. Multiple bed pillows
14. $60.00 scented candles
15. Movies starring Drew Barrymore and Reese Witherspoon
16. Men who appear dirty and grimy but are actually totally hot i.e. Robert Pattinson and Justin Bobby
17. Michael Cera
18. Collecting magazines
19. Jeans tucked into boots
20. Foreplay

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